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“You don’t need life insurance, trust me!”

Never trust someone who says that. Immediately distance yourself from the source of such
words. Anyone, who has a family dependent on them, or is planning to have one, definitely
needs life insurance.
Imagine a scenario when you are not around to fulfil the financial needs of your family. Your
family, already in a difficult place emotionally, would have to face financial difficulties as
well. Surely, none of us would want that.

That’s the entire purpose of life insurance. No amount of money can replace a loved one,
but insurance can ensure that their family can continue to live with dignity.
As an added incentive, the premium paid towards life insurance is exempted from tax under
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. But, as mentioned, this is an added incentive, and should
never be the primary reason for buying life insurance.

TYPES of life Insurance

Many types of insurance policies are available today, with newer variants being brought out regularly. However, these can be broadly classified as

  • Pure Term Plans
  • Whole Life Plans
  • Endowment Plans
  • Money Back Policies
  • Child Plans

To read about these in detail, and to understand how to calculate your insurance needs,
check out our blog article here

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