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Succession Planning

As said, “Until the LION learns to write, every story will glorify the Hunter” - African Proverb

Most of us do not have a Will and do not realise the financial chaos that our loved ones could be destined for in case of an unforeseen event.


Will writing ensures that the hard-earned movable/immovable property is distributed to dear ones (beneficiaries) as per wish after once death.


Many of us refrain from writing a Will because of the following myths:


  • Writing a Will is a costly and tedious task
  • Property will be passed on automatically to the spouse or children without any dispute
  • Thinking about one’s death can be daunting and thus best avoided


However, Will Writing is not only essential for everyone, but can also be accomplished easily with a little guidance. We at MW Finserv believe that one simple step can take care of any disputes that may arise in once absence. And though it is not pleasant to think about one’s mortality, preparing for a future that avoids conflict amongst loved ones should be enough cause for you to write your Will without any delay.


Remember, Writing a Will is critical for all adults, regardless of wealth, marital status or age. If you
have minor children, then you can appoint a guardian under your Will, in the event that both you
and your spouse are not around.

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